A Girl's Private Diary

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift that's why it's called the PRESENT.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The perfect family

I really do love all my relatives, but I have to say that they're quite annoying and I'm very lucky to live far away from them all (I hope I can enter any school which is very far away from the place they do live in... that's why I wish to travel abroad). At the moment many of them are fighting each other. Especially my own father doesn't get along with anyone. I do love my dad and he is a great man, but he really doesn't have an idea how he should handle his social life when he is not at work.

Lately my grandmother has been terrible. She was insulting me so much last time when I visited her before and after xmas. Actually I wanted to spend a lot of time with her on my holidays since we used to get along very well, but everything has changed. I didn't even visit her to say her '"Goodbye", because I was so much insulted about her words before I travelled back here where I have been living for more than one year. Some days ago she phoned me and apologized and today she phoned me again. I guess, I should mail her a greeting card. I wonder how grandpa is doing. He is a very quiet man. I hardly ever talk with him. I would like to, but I don't know how to start over a discussion with him.

I'm reading for some exams, which I will take after one month. Everyday I study for 9 hours. Luckily my fiance has travelled to his homecountry so he is not disturbing me and I can fully concentrate on studying.
Fair & Lovely - isn't it?

We had a tube of Fair & Lovely skincream and I had been using the product occasionally before I understood for what it stands for. After reading more about fairness creams and seeing the commercial of the product I'm writing about... I took the tube and threw it away and messaged my fiance that I don't want him to bring me anything with text "fair or fairness" written on.

I won't use it, because:
1. I couldn't find information about ingredients of the skincream.
2. I'm white and very fair already so what on the earth I do with bleaching fairness cream? Other people are already asking me: Are you sick, because you look like so white?

Some had written that they see racism on the Fair & Lovely add. I cannot say that I would see actual racism in the advertisement. Where I do live self-tanning skin care products are marketed same way like the Fair & Lovely is marketing their skincream in India. Over here TV commercials claim that tanned skin is more beautiful and somewhere else they're selling fairness cream with an opposite idea by claiming that lighter skin is more beautiful.

I just wish that people will give up their obsession on fairer skin and could be happy to be themselves. Bleaching creams cannot be safe to use and I have seen many beautiful persons with different skincolours so it's a pity that some are unsure about their own looks and try to change it by rubbing bleaching skincream on their face every evening before going to bed and wishing that they would be lighter skinned when they wake up next morning.

... world truly is a terrible place...